To the Editor,

Quality education sets the foundation for a productive, prosperous, healthy,  and civically engaged society. At the same time, doors of opportunities for individuals can be either open or closed based on a person’s educational experiences. The years students spend in a school system impact every aspect of the remainder of their lives.

As parents of four daughters, we appreciate the differences in interests, abilities, learning preferences, and dreams of students. We recognize the need to provide various academic and extra-curricular opportunities so each student can feel a sense of belonging, believe in themselves, and become all they want to be.  For this reason, we will be voting yes.

As community members, we understand a healthy school system impacts the amount of businesses and services available in town. For this reason, we will be voting yes.

As an educational professional who has worked with schools throughout the state of Minnesota, I know the condition of school buildings affects the morale and success of current students and staff as well as choices of potential students, parents, and staff. For this reason, we will be voting yes.

As property-owning taxpayers, we realize these additional dollars are an investment that will benefit us with future returns. For this reason, we will be voting yes.

As grandparents, we want to provide opportunities for future generations that past generations provided for us. For this reason, we will be voting yes.

As human beings, we acknowledge that looking out for the common good sometimes requires self-sacrifice. For this reason, we will be voting yes.

We want the best for our community, our school, and our students. For this reason, we will be voting yes. We encourage you to do the same.

Darren and Eileen Weber,
