The family of Doris Butcher would like to thank those who rallied around us after her recent passing.

Mom was a sweet, kind, compassionate, hard-working and fun-loving woman who enriched the lives of those who knew her. And while we have our memories, we will be forever wishing we still had her with us.

Thank you for supporting us during this time with your words, your presence, your food, and your memorials. We would especially like to thank the Water’s Edge family for all of their loving care, Jeremiah Rice for officiating a service that honored her so perfectly, Karvonen Funeral Home for their many kindnesses, and B&D’s for their generous food donation in her name. We are blessed to live in a community that truly cares for one another.

Dorothy and Roger Heschke and family

Allen and Barb Butcher and family

Terry and Pat Butcher and family

David Butcher

Shane Butcher

Zach Butcher