Library Happenings

Henning School

Happy New Year everyone!  How exciting it is that it is 2025.  

Our current PSEO seniors in the library during fourth period have been having an interesting year. Each Wednesday of the school year, they have been served pie. The pie has been a different kind each time and the students have been rating the pie according to texture, ingredient, pie crust quality and overall flavor. 

The week before school let out for Christmas break, these same students were able to make their own pie to take home and share with family and to be critiqued on. The students all made the same simple apple pie recipe. They had to make the crust, roll it out, put it into the pie plate and then mix the ingredients together. They used an apple peeler to peel each of their own six apples. They had to measure and mix the ingredients, and fill their bottom crust and then had the option to make the top crust fancy or leave it plain. Once the top pie crust was laid over the mixture, they then had to flute the edges of the pie. The students were so excited to be able to make their very own pie and be able to take it home. There were lots of giggles and a bit of a mess, but I’m certain that this is something they will remember for a long time.  

You just never know what could be happening in the library and we encourage you to come up and visit us to see what we are all about.  We are open following the school calendar on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 p.m. We hope to see you soon.