Pilcrow Foundation makes a donation to Henning Library
Published on May 30, 2023 at 3:28pm EDT | Author: henningmaster
Henning School students gathered to say thank you to the Pilcrow Foundation for making a donation to the Henning School Library Pages for a Purpose campaign.
Library Happenings
Henning School
The Pilcrow Foundation has awarded the Henning Public School Library with the Children’s Book Project grant award. Our library has been selected with this generous donation from Dr. Bill Strawbridge and Dr. Meg Wallhagen of California. We have received 77 books with a retail value of $1,200.11.
The Henning School Library has also received from Delta Kappa Gamma the book R is for Rosie. We have received four books from Shout Mouse Press whose published authors are leaders and agents of change. Mr. Hal Berenson and Mrs. Laura Acherman of Colorado provided $399.62 worth of science and math books which gave us 22 more books. The 17 additional books are health and wellness related coming from Dr. Bill Strawbridge and Dr. Meg Wallhagen at a value of $298.63.
The Laura and Grant Smith family donated $400 as part of this grant process. Each book will have a donor plate sticker inside the book saying where funds for its purchase came from. This grant has provided the books that are pictured with this article. We are extremely grateful for this generous donation. When school resumes this fall it will be so wonderful to watch the children’s reactions to all the new books that we have for them.
The Pilcrow Foundation “provides new, quality, hardcover children’s books to rural public libraries across the United States. The Pilcrow Foundation was founded in 2013 to continue the work of the Libri Foundation.”
As it states in their bio, “We recognize the importance of public libraries in rural communities. Libraries are often the center of the community, where people come together to learn and share ideas. Providing quality children’s books to rural public libraries ensures an opportunity for active engagement within the community and lifelong learning. Literacy is the greatest gift we can give our children: the public library is where we can start.”
Neil Gaiman once said, “the simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read, and to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity. And that means, at its simplest, finding books that they enjoy, giving them access to those books, and letting them read them.”
And that sums up what this Pages for a Purpose book campaign drive is all about.