Sgt. Jesse Grabow Ask a Trooper Question: Can you talk more about school bus safety? I’ve seen a lot of school bus stop arm violations lately. Answer: This is an important topic. Here is some information we shared on our DPS blog recently. “After a year of seeing very few (if any) school buses in your neighborhood, you… Read More
Keeping safety in mind when approaching a school bus
Published on October 28, 2021 at 10:18am EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
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Local hospitals reach their limits
Published on October 28, 2021 at 10:18am EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0To the Editor, I am writing today to share information about patient safety issues facing persons in our community. It is time for the MN Legislature to agree to a special session. Why? Your local hospital is either full or unable to admit additional patients due to staffing issues. Patients are being deferred to hospitals in other… Read More
Who is afraid of a big, bad bat?
Published on October 28, 2021 at 10:16am EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0Library Happenings Henning School As a young child I was always afraid of bats because my brothers would often tease me and convince me that the bats would end up getting stuck in my long hair. One night after attending a late baseball game we came home to find a bat in our house flying… Read More
What on Earth is at the Henning library
Published on October 19, 2021 at 2:39pm EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0This week we are featuring three books from our series “What on Earth is a….” Recently when updating our Junior Non Fiction Dewey Decimal numbers 550-599, we chose to move this series to our slat wall for more student engagement with these books. The covers are bright and the images are interesting to say the… Read More
Share the road with farm vehicles this fall
Published on October 19, 2021 at 2:38pm EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: I have a question for you with harvest season going on. Is it legal for a vehicle with a slow moving sign to drive over 30 mph? Answer: A towed implement of husbandry that is empty and not self-propelled may be towed at lawful speeds greater than 30 miles per hour… Read More
Different ways to talk to women
Published on October 19, 2021 at 2:37pm EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0Alan Linda Freelance Writer “I know you don’t ignore me on purpose,” said a woman to me. It was some time ago, and I’ve mostly repressed this conversation due to deep psychological failings. (These are failings common to man; failings completely invisible to women.) Saying something like me ignoring her is like throwing a soft… Read More
Stopping for a school bus
Published on October 12, 2021 at 4:15pm EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: I drive school bus and am a retired firefighter. Recently one of our buses was stopped—8 ways on, stop signs deployed—when two fire apparatus approached red lights and sirens. The apparatus did not slow and sped past the bus. I’ve always said regardless of what type of emergency vehicle, they… Read More
Who is peas and carrots?
Published on October 12, 2021 at 3:09pm EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0To the Editor, I was informed by one councilman and one person from the Willow Creek Commission that there was going to be a presentation at the October council meeting showing how much they can save by cutting back on local shopping. First of all, I am curious about how much taxpayer money was spent for this… Read More
Adopt-A-Classroom program makes a difference
Published on October 12, 2021 at 2:37pm EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0To the Editor, The Adopt-A-Classroom program is such a wonderful thing for our school. Mary Seipkes is instrumental in keeping this program going. She does so much work to coordinate the adoption between the giver and the classroom they wish to adopt. What an amazing woman that gives so much of her time so that the… Read More
Epic failures in homemade costumes are a thing of the past
Published on October 12, 2021 at 2:34pm EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen
0Chad Koenen Publisher I don’t know if there were more than a handful of times my family purchased an actual Halloween costume for me for Halloween. There were a few purchased costumes, like a football player with shoulder pads none-the-less and some ninja costume with a sword, but most of my costumes growing up were… Read More