
  • Don’t always judge a book by its cover

    Published on March 17, 2021 at 1:43am EDT Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    My most recently read book is titled “Where Are They Buried?  How Did They Die? Fitting Ends and Final Resting Places of the Famous, Infamous, and Noteworthy.” It is written by Tod Benoit.   When the old adage of “Don’t judge a book by its cover” pops into my head, I try to tamp it down. … Read More

  • Reading multiple books at a time can open new possibilities

    Published on March 10, 2021 at 8:55am EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    When one of our students showed me all the different books she was reading at one time, it simply amazed me that she could keep the story lines separate as she read. Then I came to the realization that I too have been doing the same things without even realizing it.  In the morning I listen… Read More

  • Henning City Council member speaks out

    Published on March 10, 2021 at 8:54am EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    To the Editor, I began my duty as a councilman on January 5, 2021. At my first meeting I was told by a council member that as a newcomer I didn’t know how things get done. At that first meeting, we agreed to send the Ottertail council a letter showing them we are backing our mayor…. Read More

  • Let your voice be heard on March 15

    Published on March 10, 2021 at 8:54am EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    To the Editor, On March 15 at 5:30 p.m. there will be a city council meeting. If you are interested in the fate of our town, BE THERE! Let them know how you feel. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you. Pete Hagen, Henning

  • A New Serenity Prayer for our city

    Published on March 10, 2021 at 8:54am EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    To the Editor,  From what we hear and read about the city council we think the following prayer would be useful: The New Serenity Prayer God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,  which is pretty much everyone,  since I’m clearly not you, God. At least not the last time I checked. And while you’re at it, God, please give… Read More

  • A closer look at the Highway 108 project

    Published on March 10, 2021 at 8:54am EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Editor’s Note: The Citizen’s Advocate reached out to representatives from MnDOT with a series of questions that have been raised by local residents concerning the upcoming Highway 108 project.  Lori Vanderhider, of MnDOT, answered the following questions that we are including in a question and answer format.  MnDOT has proposed a complete streets reconstruction in the City… Read More

  • Hot air balloons can be a fun way to travel

    Published on March 3, 2021 at 1:16pm EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    For my parents anniversary one year, we sent them on a hot air balloon ride over the skies above Kalispell, Montana.  This was such an awesome experience for them to see the beauty below at a slow and steady pace high above the ground.  They were in the air for a little more than an… Read More

  • Thankfully there weren’t ‘tweets’ in the 1950s

    Published on March 3, 2021 at 1:16pm EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    I suppose that if, back in the fifties when all heck was breaking loose, which we’ll get to in a minute, if we had had something like the internet or tweeting like we have now, we’d have been more worked up over stuff going on. Maybe. Hard to say. But there was a lot going on…. Read More

  • Henning needs to find a way to pay back its current, future debt

    Published on March 3, 2021 at 1:16pm EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    To the Editor, As of this writing, the City of Henning is bonded for $12,235,532 (twelve million two hundred thirty five thousand five hundred thirty two dollars), including interest. Yes, over 12 million in debt. FACT: The city will be adding an additional 3 to 4 million dollars of debt for road/infrastructure projects. FACT: This money has to… Read More

  • Ft. ‘Bliss’ wasn’t always so appealing

    Published on February 24, 2021 at 11:33am EST Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    We up here in the north are watching with no small amount of glee the helplessness of southern states as they get a couple inches of snow, a bit of freezing rain, and “below freezing” temperatures. I particularly like that expression: “Below freezing.” “Below freezing,” which, compared to “below zero,” really sounds pretty attractive to… Read More

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