Library Happenings Henning School What a wonderful time it is in the Henning Public School library. Recently we have had three fabulous businesses sponsor books for the library. Simonson Lumber of Alexandria, Minn., sponsored four books, Ziegler Cat of Fergus Falls, sponsored nine books, and Hilltop Lumber of Alexandria, Minn., sponsored four books. With their… Read More
Library receives three more donations
Published on July 3, 2023 at 11:31am EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
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Summer reading series kicks off Wednesday
Published on July 3, 2023 at 11:30am EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0Landmark Center Dan Broten The Landmark Summer Series will provide reading and entertainment each Wednesday in July with one-hour activity in our garden patio area. Join us at 7 p.m. on July 5 and July 12 for guest readings from arts related books, along with a short activity and refreshments. On July 19, the CLIMB Theater… Read More
Thank You
Published on June 29, 2023 at 4:13pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0We would like to extend our gratitude to the Ottertail Rescue and Henning Ambulance members for their promptness in helping our sister MaryJean on Sunday, June 18. Thanks to the people involved, she is back home and doing fine. We appreciate everything you did for us. Marlin and Elaine Irons Rosalie Lindberg
Getting a closer look at the area we call home
Published on June 29, 2023 at 4:12pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0Henning Happenings Chad Koenen One of the best ways to judge not only yourself, but your community, is through the eyes of outsiders. Since we typically have an inherent bias through what we experience in our everyday lives, having people from outside of our community come to town can yield some valuable information. It can… Read More
Managing the thugs of the garden
Published on June 29, 2023 at 4:10pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0Master Gardener Bev Johnson Warning, this is a re-run but still relevant. Bunkey was thrilled to death when his neighbor down the street brought him a pretty red yarrow. Now two years later, he has had to resort to Roundup in an attempt to get rid of it. Yarrow is one of our plant thugs and,… Read More
New easels to showcase library books
Published on June 29, 2023 at 4:07pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0Library HappeningsHenning School At various events around Henning you will be able to see the wonderful easels that Hilltop Lumber of Ottertail donated materials for. These easels were made by Mr. Hill’s wood shop class. They are engraved with Hilltop Lumber and Mr. Hill’s shop class name on them. Being displayed on these easels will… Read More
Pets are not allowed on drivers test
Published on June 29, 2023 at 4:07pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: I read your recent article about vehicle equipment and taking the road test for your driver’s license. When I take my test, can I take my dog along with me? Answer: Minnesota state statute says pets or loose objects that may distract, injure, or break are not allowed in the… Read More
Thank You
Published on June 20, 2023 at 11:35am EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0The families of Marlowe Klever thank the family and friends who remembered him with their prayers, visits, cards and food. Many thanks to Pastor Dan Larson for his comforting words, also to the Henning Ambulance members who helped us in our time of need. They are truly a great team. God bless you all. Family of… Read More
Now is the time to wake up, not woke up
Published on June 20, 2023 at 11:35am EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0To the Editor, America is creating its own self-destruction. 1. States joining the “trans” sanctuary states: California, Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, Vermont, Washington. Maine and Oregon currently standing to become the next two. 2. It is said, “radicalized” moms—so called pro-life moms spreading “conspiracy theories” and so called Anti-government suspects. 3. Refusal to protect our border at Mexico…. Read More
‘Minnesota Nice’ at FNB golf tournament
Published on June 20, 2023 at 11:35am EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0Library Happenings Henning School Henning Public School and Community Library was chosen to be one of the three charities to partake in the annual First National Bank Charity Golf Tournament at Balmoral Golf Course that was held on June 13. Kaeli Dorn of First National Bank explained how the event would happen and what we… Read More