Chit Chat for Health C.H.A.T. Henning CHAT is no longer collecting used printer and toner cartridges. Companies that provide toner for copiers provide companies with materials needed for returning empty cartridges to the company. Most printer cartridges used on desktop printers are no longer recyclable. The container has been removed from the post office. Henning CHAT has… Read More
Henning CHAT to no longer collect ink cartridges
Published on October 31, 2023 at 1:50pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
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Keeping our kids safe from fentanyl
Published on October 31, 2023 at 12:37pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0To the Editor, Fentanyl is cheap to produce, easy to disguise as prescription or over-the-counter pills, and can be deadly in doses small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil. Cartels have harnessed the power of social media to sell this deadly drug, leaving our kids in danger. In fact, one pill can kill. I… Read More
The New Speaker, Donald Trump
Published on October 31, 2023 at 12:37pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0To the Editor, Never has there been a Speaker of the House so tied to the apron of an out of office former president than Mike Johnson. Winning the final vote was largely due to Trump’s endorsing Johnson’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election by any means. If that bond remains unshakable, Donald J. Trump… Read More
What is with the blank billboard
Published on October 31, 2023 at 12:36pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0To the Editor, I drive on Highway 210 on a regular basis and this year watched the construction of a new, but still “blank” billboard that stands near the Lumber Yard out on Highway 210, I was told that it was built to showcase the winning basketball teams of a few years back (which seems to… Read More
Share your deer pictures with the Advocate
Published on October 31, 2023 at 12:36pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0Henning Happenings Chad Koenen Every March we hear the statistics concerning how much productivity and work will be lost due to workers following the March Madness basketball tournament. Every November, a similar slow down of work occurs in Minnesota, especially in this part of the state, when it comes to deer hunting. Now I am not… Read More
Do as I do, not what I say
Published on October 31, 2023 at 12:36pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda There is one thing for certain: You must watch what people do, not what they say. Words don’t jibe with actions. Here are some examples of words and phrases you should look out for. “This won’t hurt.” It is often followed closely by the phrase: “You’re going to feel just a bit… Read More
Thank You
Published on October 24, 2023 at 1:44pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0The Parish of Saint Edward would like to thank the Henning community and surrounding area for supporting our Annual Lenten Fish Fry Suppers. This past Spring, we were able to give donations to the following organizations: Henning Food Shelf, Henning Public School (Swimming Lesson Transportation), Henning HOPE, Henning Military Park, Henning Lions (Amundson Park Repairs) and… Read More
Never eat mushrooms from a yard
Published on October 24, 2023 at 1:44pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0By Bev Johnson Master Gardener Petunia was making breakfast last week and happened to look out the window. Bunkey, the neighbor’s cows must have got out because there are cow pies all over the lawn. Bunkey wasn’t fully caffeinated, having had only one cup of coffee so he wasn’t actually really awake. He did know that… Read More
Landmark receives a Loom donation
Published on October 24, 2023 at 12:31pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0Landmark Center Dan Broten Thanks to a generous donation by an anonymous Henning couple, Landmark Center now has a Union Loom No. 36 which is currently housed in the Landmark Station building. Local artist Mary Angel will offer a brief demonstration of rug weaving using this Loom on Monday, Oct. 30 around 11 a.m. If… Read More
Nutritional learning curve for the finer chocolate delicatessens
Published on October 24, 2023 at 12:29pm EDT henningmaster| Author: henningmaster
0The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda We older parents get a lot of input from our older children. One of my learning curves has focussed on chocolate. It is a focus for me for reasons about to become clear. For those of you unfamiliar with any chocolate past a Milky Way bar–which pretty much describes my limit, up… Read More