To the Editor,

America is creating its own self-destruction.

1. States joining the “trans” sanctuary states: California, Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, Vermont, Washington. Maine and Oregon currently standing to become the next two.

2. It is said, “radicalized” moms—so called pro-life moms spreading “conspiracy theories” and so called Anti-government suspects.

3. Refusal to protect our border at Mexico.

4. Creating a “three-parent” embryo technique—destruction of two human embryos to create a third type of human.

For each of the above subjects, Google them.

Bible verses of encouragement: Ps 23, Matt 28.20 and 11:28-30 and 6:31-33, Rom 8:31, Luke 1:28 and 37, 1 Peter 5:7, Is 61:1.

On a personal note—I am so fed up with what is happening to our children. It is not OK to let the world encouraged them to get a sex change. It is wrong and immoral. God created them to be as they were born, but the devil has openly voiced against what God has created. A girl—a girl and a boy— a boy when they were born. God doesn’t make mistakes. God created them for a purpose, which He had planned for them, specifically. Adults need to wise up and stand up for what is right, in Gods eyes. Sex change is wrong. Evil has become dominate in this world. As Christians, we need to stand up for what is right. It is told that in the end times evil will cause turmoil in the families, communities, nations and the world. People will think wrong is right, bad is good, parents don’t know anything, etc.

If you look around and listen to the news, deception is growing.

I am here to say, “Wake Up,” not woke, before we lose our children to evil. God still is in control, but He gives us “free will.” God is not a dictator. What His word, the Bible, says is our guide to living and an abundant life here on earth and after death. Don’t dismiss it, it is for our good that He had this book written.

Let us adults stand up—starting today, be vocal about our values and outrage. Our children are ours to take care of, guide, and protect. If we don’t then, the world will gladly take control.

There are many Bible verses you can look up to get encouragement and hope.

Sandra Volkmann,
