‘Minnesota Nice’ at FNB golf tournament
Published on June 20, 2023 at 11:35am EDT | Author: henningmaster
Library Happenings
Henning School
Henning Public School and Community Library was chosen to be one of the three charities to partake in the annual First National Bank Charity Golf Tournament at Balmoral Golf Course that was held on June 13. Kaeli Dorn of First National Bank explained how the event would happen and what we might want to bring along to showcase to the golfers. She offered a great amount of encouragement and enthusiasm.

Mrs. Wiese and Mrs. Smith decided to add another slat wall to the library, as the current slat wall has been such a huge success for the students. This next phase will cost approximately $5,000. With leftover odds and ends pieces of slat wall from the first build, Darren Wiese made two portable mini slat walls that could hold approximately 15-20 books each.
Current aged books were taken along to the event along with new books that would be showcased on the portable slat walls. Setting these two different ways of displaying books up side by side was a great way to explain to the golfers why the slat wall works.
By showcasing the “face”of the book, students know what they are choosing. To display the “spine” of the book, students have to read the title and then choose a book based on the title alone.
There were many Minnesota nice people at this event. We met a man who gave a generous donation because his wife just became a published author and he acknowledged the importance of children reading. A woman donated $100 because the library her children go to in Alexandria is such an important part of her family’s life. We had a lady want to buy the books off of our display because she said the bright, vivid colors were so appealing and she knows for certain her children would want to have them.
A huge consensus of the golfers was that the “old” way of displaying books with their spines only showing was noticeably unappealing, with one gentleman noticing the shelving was the original shelving that had been there when he went to school and he is a grandpa now! As luck would have it, one of the “old” books was also recognized by the gentleman and he asked if his name was still on the library checkout card inside the book.
Josh Rud of First National Bank of Henning was instrumental in communicating with all 18 teams. Rud was great at helping us to understand golf and to keep humor alive for everyone that came by hole number 12. Nikki Lohse and Nikki Olson are the dynamic duo that can make an event so grand. They made everyone feel very welcome.
The Henning Public and Community Library is thankful for the tremendous day at the beautiful Balmoral Golf Course. We were served an amazing BBQ lunch that we all agreed we would go back for very soon.
Henning Public Library is open on June 28 for another summer library event. Please stop by from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to check out our space. We will have summer reading between 10-11 a.m. with a small snack provided. We hope to see you soon.