We are in the second week of August and there is a huge buzz happening in our school already. We have teachers who are working hard at getting their classes ready and our custodial staff has worked long and hard on so many projects in our building to get it ready for our new school year. It is amazing at what takes place behind the scenes prior to the students stepping in the building.  

I want to give a huge shout out to our custodial department for their patience with the updating of the library this summer. They have worked hard at moving the bookshelves countless times, tearing out the old carpeting, helping with the crew who installed the new lighting, painting, waxing the floors, moving the bookshelves again a half more dozen times before I made my mind up, cleaning, cleaning and cleaning up the debris. They are not done with the help they will be giving me in just a weeks time and when it is complete, we will share with you the updates.  

We are hoping to be completely installed by the open house at the end of August.  

This is an exciting time of the year and we all look forward to seeing our students once again.