Landmark Center hosts Grandma and Me class
Published on June 24, 2021 at 7:44am EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Thank you to all the volunteer artists that helped us with our community mural painting in the Henning City Park on Friday and Saturday. A special thanks to the Lake Region Arts Council, who helped the Landmark Center obtain Legacy Grant Funds to make this project possible.
Artist Lana Beck hosted a Grandma and Me painting workshop for a group of 12 on Thursday evening, then worked with a tremendous group of local volunteers to create art in the park. I hope this is something we can all be proud of, and perhaps carry on to another mural project in the future.
A reminder that the Viking Library Bookmobile has resumed Henning visits every other Tuesday, in Henning today from 3:30-4:45 p.m. in from of Landmark Center, same time and same place two weeks later on July 6. Call or go online to special order books or videos.
The Landmark Center reading group “Beverage and a Book” will meet on July 6 from 2-4 p.m. to discuss “Fall of Marigolds.” Copies of this book are available at the Landmark Center for those wishing to join the discussion.
Chris Schuelke from the Otter Tail County Historical Society will offer a Historic Henning Walking Tour on Thursday, July 8 beginning 6 p.m. at the Landmark Center. A $6 fee will go to OTC Historical Society to help with research. A people mover trailer will be available for those not wishing to walk.
The Landmark Center will be one of the many studio locations on the 2021 Art of the Lakes Studio Tour, July 16-18, with five artist including Ruth Hanson paintings, Becky Albright fish rubbings, Marit Salveson leather journals and ceramics, Mary Smith hand-woven baskets, and Paul Sparks hand-carved fish decoys. Maps to the other participating studio locations will be available at the Landmark Center.
Terry Oscarson will host a 5-day Kids Art Camp at the Landmark Center, with one session from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Space is limited so please call 548-5760 soon to RSVP.
The Landmark Center is available for public or private gatherings, receptions, reunions, workshops, and retreats. Our second floor retreat center has five bedrooms with space for 10 overnight guests.
Please call for details or to reserve space for your event. You can also like us on Facebook or visit our website for additional scheduling and facility information.