To the Editor,

I have had the opportunity to substitute teach several times this spring for Henning Schools. I want the people of Henning and the surrounding area to know what a great school they have. I have been in education for 44 years, primarily in the Twin Cities.  Now a retired teacher and Athletic Director but still coaching. I have property in Otter Tail County and spend as much time as I can up in this wonderful country.

I want to commend the administration and office staff for their welcoming environment. It is my experience that you can figure out the culture of a school in about two minutes when you enter the building. Henning gives off a caring and friendly vibe right away.

I want to acknowledge the teaching staff as well. While I have not met all of them, I can tell you that they are amazing educators. The number of classes they have prepare for each day would cause a revolt in the schools I have taught at. I taught in the biggest school in Minnesota and teachers there would protest more than two preps per day. Teachers at Henning may be asked to prepare for 4 or 5 classes. I’m amazed at their organization. They smile often and they mean it. The students know they care. 

  Thanks to the students who have welcomed this old teacher standing in front of them. I have found the students to be wonderful to be around. They have been helpful, and they show a kindness to each other that I’m sure they don’t even recognize. The culture of this school is not an accident. Kudos to staff, teachers, coaches, and administrators. I also want to commend the parents and others who have raised this generation of Bulldogs. You have done well.

I look forward to seeing students around town this summer. They bring a smile to my face every time.

Mike Grant

Eden Prairie, Minn.