Editor’s note: Students in Stephanie Jorgenson’s second grade class at Henning School shared some stories in advance of Halloween.

Dear Hadley, 

My teacher, Mrs Jorgenson, lovs Holloween. I can tell because she loves bats and sparkles. her favorite color is black. she definetely careves pumkins. Maybe she will make a haunted house she might do a graveyard in her back yard. She probably likes ghosts and Halloween trees. She loves cotumes. My teacher is probably going to be Belle this year. I’m going to be Hocus Pocus. What ar eyou going to be? 

Love, Sophia

Dear Cobbler, 

My teacher, Mrs. Jorgenson, loves Halloween. I can tell because she has a bunch of Halloween decorations. She loves costumes. She has a costume closet ate school! Her computer background is pumpkins. she has fall pictures and we painted pictures of spiders. she told us she eats pumpkin pie a lot, even for breakfast. She loves pranks.

Love, Gunnar

Dear Mom, 

My Teacher, Mrs. Jorgenson loves Halloween. I can tell because she likes bats and pumpkins. She also likes sparkles and black and dressing up. She likes other peoples costumes and pranks. Maybe she likes to trick or treat. She has spooky nails but they aren’t spooky to me. She likes eating pumpkin pie for breakfast. I bet she paints her house black. She’s a pumpkin weirdo and a pumpkin freak.

Love, Ted

Dear Jasmin, 

My teacher, Mrs. Jorgenson loves Halloween. I can tell because she loves bats and black is her favonte color. The classroom has bats every where. she likes to decorate. see eats pumpkin pie for brekfast! When she was a kid she made a haunted house with Mrs. Wiese. She is mostly a princess for Halloween but once she was Cruelle DeVil. She was even Jazmine from Aladin! This year she is probably going to be Belle. She probably likes costumers because she likes makeup and crazy clothes. 

Love, John