To the Editor,

Why I would vote for Darren Wiese for mayor of Henning, but I’m not eligible to vote like so many business owners in Henning. Even though I have owned and operated a business here for almost 36 years.

1. Mayor Wiese stood his ground when special interest groups opposed his ideas.

2. Mayor Wiese, along with another city council member, were able to negotiate the water contract with the City of Ottertail with the end results being Henning would receive fair returns on the water used by Ottertail.

3. Because of the changes in the city employees, it was found that a lot of the city’s utility meters, gas and water, were either not hooked up, or not functioning correctly so the readings were off. Which in turn could add extra revenue for the city.

So please stop and think about all this when you go to cast your vote!

Remember in a nut shell Darren Wiese has had the best interest for the people of Henning.

Glenn Scott,
