Library Happenings

Chad Koenen

As explained on Google,  “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention. Autism spectrum disorder impacts the nervous system. The range and severity of symptoms can vary widely. Common symptoms include difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests, and repetitive behaviors.  Early recognition, as well as behavioral, educational, and family therapies may reduce symptoms and support development and learning.”

Our featured book this week is “The Worry Knot” by Mary Bleckwehl.  Mrs. Bleckwehl lives in Minnesota where she has been a teacher and a strong advocate for people with many different abilities.  This book is a story about love in a family and the differences we may have.  The family in this story consists of the parents, an older brother, his two twin sisters and his younger brother that has autism spectrum disorder. From an early point in their lives, one of the twin sisters asks the mother if the main character in this story will “always be this way” to which the mother responds, “which way?”  and the young girl says, “needing someone to take care of him.” The mother says that she and the young boy’s father will take care of him as long as they are alive and the little twin girl suggests that the older brother will see to him after that because he is very good at taking care of others.  

This story is told from the viewpoint of the older brother. He is a seventh grader with worries twisting in his gut, worries of his crazy neighbors, his mysterious girl crush, and worries of his unpredictable little brother.  This book will educate and engage you with a realistic and kind depiction of living with someone with Autism.  

We would love to share this book with you. We hope in the fall when we return to regular library  hours during our school year, that you will find yourself coming to the library to check this or one of our other books out.  

The State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society has awarded the Henning Public School Library a grant in the amount of $9,325. This grant will provide over 449 books to the Henning Public School Library.

This  grant helps provide a quality learning experience for our local Minnesotans by providing exemplary library bound (as much as possible) books that feature depictions of various aspects of the State of Minnesota.  Students will develop knowledge, skills, and understanding about many areas of Minnesota by reading about Minnesota, its geography, heritage, culture, people, landforms, arts, sports, and more. Books will be purchased for all ages of people who frequent the library. This grant will help represent diverse ethnicities and people as we are purchasing books that feature a wide variety of people who have contributed to Minnesota.  In addition, because Minnesota history is a vital component of our middle school curriculum, we want a strong selection of books that depict Minnesota history, industries, contemporary Minnesotans, immigration, the contributions of indigenous people , Minnesota authors/illustrators, and state bird/fish/foods, etc.