Library Happenings

Henning School

This week’s featured author is Doreen Cronin. She writes a whimsical set of books about chickens that engages the reader with humor and charm. She has clever text throughout with hilarious illustrations. 

The name Doreen Cronin might have you wondering what other books she has written. She is the author of the Click, Clack, Moo books.  These were the introduction into the world of quirky farmyard stories. In the “Click, Clack, Moo” books, the chickens are quick to rebel against the farmer for better living conditions. Because of this, they were easily moved into the main character roles in the Chicken Squad Series.  

The first book in the Chicken Squad Series is “The Chicken Squad:  The First Misadventure.” In this story we meet, Sugar, Poppy, Sweetie, and Dirt. They are chicken detectives that solve mysteries that happen around the farm. With their teamwork, witty banter, and knack for getting caught in hilarious predicaments, you are sure to love reading this with your child.  

Reading these chicken books will have you laughing out loud. The clever wordplay to absolute ridiculous scenarios keep the reader entertained all the way through the book.  

Problem solving, standing up for oneself, and teamwork are the themes throughout these books. Betsy Lewin is the illustrator who uses expressive watercolor illustrations that make the farmyard characters come to life. These books remind us that even the smallest characters can make a big difference.  

The Henning Public and School Library is open on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 p.m. You can access us through the elementary entrance during that time or you can come up at any point during the day through the District Office entrance. We will be here waiting for you.