Library Happenings

Henning School

This week’s column is featuring Christmas memories from our Post Secondary Enrollment Option students (PSEO) about their most memorable Christmas so far. 

Faith Fisher was 11-years-old and had just recently moved into my house in Henning. For Christmas all she wanted was a kitten.  On Christmas day, I unwrapped a bag of cat food then my dad came in holding a kitten as my present.

Carter Dilly was 9-years-old, living here in Henning and was not fond of his grandma at the time. He had asked that she only receive coal for Christmas and that was the only present she got that year.

Natalie Eckhoff was 7-years-old, living on the farm in Henning when she and her siblings made a huge snow fort with a big tunnel in it. It took all day to build but they had so much fun and played in it all the time.

Aaliyah Olson’s most memorable Christmas was at 16-years-of-age, when her whole family gathered together at her house to open gifts. She was given the gift of 5 Justin Bieber concert tickets. It was so memorable because she was so excited and got to see a concert with her mom, her aunt, and two best friends.

When Becca Frederick was 5-years-old living in Vining, she and her sister opened all of the presents before Christmas when their parents had left the house.  Every year this story is brought up and retold and now her parents can really laugh about it.

Mason Hammer was 12-years-old when his favorite Christmas memory happened. His grandpa was decorating the tree and knocked off 3 glass ornaments and hid them so his grandma wouldn’t see and yell at him.

Gretchen Eckhoff was nine-years-old when she asked for a horse as her Christmas present. She was very convinced that her parents were going to get her a real horse but when she opened her stocking she found out it was only a toy one.

At age nine, Kaislyn Bunkowski was living in town on 2nd street in Henning when she opened a pair of pajamas with the word “you” written on a piece of paper attached to the pajamas. Her two sisters opened theirs and they also had pajamas but their words were “pack” and “bags.” Their parents surprised them with a trip to a Christmas cabin in Bemidji for a couple of nights.  It was so memorable because no one else was at the resort, they had one large cabin room, and they got to go to the headwaters when no one else was there. She also got a stuffed deer from the gift shop which she named Bambi.

Madison Jensen was 11-years-old at her grandparent’s farm in Fergus Falls. All of the grandkids started the annual Christmas pool tournament. The winner of the pool tournament was free from helping clean up supper and doing dishes. That was the year Madison won the tournament. Being the only granddaughter it was special to her because she was able to beat all the boys and earn bragging rights for the entire year!

Mitchell Cichy was 13-years-old living on his farm in Henning when his mom asked him to water the Christmas tree. He got a glass of water and went under the tree and sooner rather than later the tree ended up on top of Mitchell.

Riley Bode was eight-years-old when he remembers getting a bunch of new hot wheel cars and a toy helicopter. His parents however thought it would be really funny to have Riley and his sister first open things like socks and underwear so they would be disappointed that they didn’t get the things they really wanted.

At age eight, Ally Hart knew Christmas was coming around. She remembers telling Santa at the Landmark Center that she really wanted an American Girl Doll. She remembers receiving this gift on Christmas day and being the happiest girl ever. The doll looked exactly like her. Her family tells her to this day how much a hassle her mom had to go through to get this doll. It arrived a day before Christmas.

When Mrs. Wiese was 8-years-old living at her ranch in Charlo, Mont., her mom’s father ( her granddad Sloan) made a special rolling sink cabinet out of cedar that she could use for her kitchen set. It came with a removable sink basin and special kitchen playset pieces.  This gift was so large that her dad and brothers had to carry it in. Being the only girl of four kids, it was very special to get something that was made just for her.  

From everyone in the library to all of you, we hope you will have great memories to share with others this Christmas season too.