Letter to the Editor,

Voting has always been an imperfect choice in a fallen world.  It is based on personal judgements about how to best vote our values. People of faith vote in different ways. Religious faith can be abused and manipulated in politics. As a Republican and a Christian, I do not believe that God is a Democrat or a Republican.  He asks that we do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with Him.

I have been active in Republican politics as a professional in my younger days and as a volunteer for the better part of my 66 years.  I believe in the way we select candidates to run for office. It starts at the Precinct Caucus level each February of even numbered years and ends on Election Day. There are a multitude of opportunities for all citizens to be involved.

I know from experience that my preferred candidates anywhere along the process might lose.  When that happens, I have to move on to my next best choice.  In my case, I will always stay within the Republican column.  What I refuse to do is accuse people of lying and cheating just because my person lost.

I have watched for months how supporters of a 3rd Party Write-In candidate have spread lies and made every attempt possible to disrupt the Otter Tail County Republican Party.  After losing the endorsement and the August Primary, the losing candidate and his supporters are now encouraging voters to write his name on the ballot.

I highly resent the disruption this group is causing and the lies that are being spread.  I also resent the nasty emails that arrive in my inbox signed “In Christ’s Love” or “God Bless.”

I urge the voters of Otter Tail County to make their Republican and Conservative vote count and carefully consider how a vote for a 3rd Party Write-In candidate will only hurt the Republican’s chance to retain the majority in the Minnesota State Senate. We need to send leaders to St. Paul. I encourage you to vote for Jordan Rasmusson SD 9 and Tom Murphy HD 9B.


 Tommy Merickel
