Library Happenings

Henning School

Spring is such a wonderful time on this Earth.  I love to see all the new baby animals being born in the spring.  

When my dad worked at the National Bison Range in Moiese, Mont., we had special access to roads only the staff would be on (and sometimes not even roads) and we could get up close to Big Horn Sheep and Mountain Goats and see those new babies just days after they were born. It was so special to watch them begin their new life and stumble around searching for mom’s milk. Even the Elk and bison calves are so cute when they are born.  

We are featuring “Baby Animals on the Farm” by Hans-Henrich Isenbart with photographs by Ruth Rau. In this book we will learn that the animals fall into two categories, Precocial and Altricial. Precocial animals are well-developed upon being born. They are able to see and search for food.  

Fur or down covers their bodies to protect from cold.  Examples of these animals found on a farm are Turkeys, swans, geese, ducks, chickens, sheep, goats, pigs, cows, and horses.

Altricial animals do not have the same strength as the Precocial animals and are not completely developed at birth to live with motherly care and warmth. Helpless and immature is the state with which they are born.  

For about 10 days, their eyes remain closed and to move they must receive help.  Examples of farm animals born this way are cats, rabbits, and dogs.  The photography in this book is terrific and if your child comes home with this book you may be persuaded to adopt a new baby animal into your home. 

Come on up to the Henning Library and check out what we have to offer on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 p.m. following the school calendar.