To the Editor,

We moved to Henning 25 years ago and stayed here primarily for the opportunities provided by the local school system.  Our four children have varied talents and interests and this small school provided each  opportunities to develop, grow and excel.  We are blessed, as they hope to raise and educate their children in this community.

Henning has been blessed with gifted and dedicated teachers, these teachers have provided our students with the tools needed to succeed: a strong work ethic and the foundational education to carry them into productive careers.

We cannot expect to recruit teachers of this caliber with a facility that lacks the basic technology, design, infrastructure, and safety features needed to support today’s educational needs.

Henning continues to provide a good solid education to our students and also has strong extracurricular programs.  Some feel this proves we do not need to improve our facility, but we disagree.  Our students learn best when they are comfortable and feel safe.  Previous testimonials have described the deficiencies that need to be addressed:  classrooms so warm that students are uncomfortable and sleepy or so cold that they are asking to wear jackets and gloves, a leaky roof and bathrooms that are not accessible to all, strangers walking through the halls and slippery gym floors.

The future success of our children and society is largely dependent upon education and we feel that we, as part of that society, have an obligation to do what we can to provide that education to future generations.  A strong school system is the heart of any small community, attracts families, supports businesses, and maintains property values.  We will vote Yes/Yes for these reasons and more.


Clay and Cheryl Houselog,
