To the Editor,

From the east side of Henning near Willow Creek to Highway 210 on the west side of town, the speed limit on Inman Street is 30 mph. I’m pretty sure some people on the west side are going 50 plus at times. To add to that some people are going back and forth and gunning their motors to make more noise. I think some of that is to let me know they can do whatever they want and nothing will be done.

If Mr. Helle has time to mow grass for the city they maybe should hire a high school student for that so he can do his job.

I see in this newspaper that the mayor and some of the council members want everyone to work together.

That’s what I’m trying to do. Henning has dozens of 4-wheelers of all kinds around town all over, too much speed and noise on Inman. I doubt if there is anywhere in the state that would allow what is going on in Henning. 

Lets work together to make Henning a safe and quiet place to live.

Tommy Stiles,
