It happened in…
News | Published on August 17, 2022 at 12:28pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
05 years ago
Citizen’s Advocate
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017
This week’s edition of the Citizen’s Advocate had a large “No news…” printed on an otherwise blank front page. The second page continued with “…is not necessarily good news. Community newspapers provide the substance to fill an otherwise blank space. We are here to report on everything from cute puppies to city council meetings, schools and what makes our community go round.”
This week, more than 200 newspapers across the State of Minnesota will publish no news on their front pages. This “Whiteout” is taking place during Minnesota Newspaper Week, August 13-19, a part of the Minnesota Newspaper Association’s yearlong celebration of its 150th Anniversary. The whiteout reminds Minnesotans of the important role that newspapers play, writing the first draft of history and telling the stories of their communities.
A Henning seven-year-old is hoping to make a difference for the community one thirst quenching drink at a time. Treyden Danielson raised $101 behind a bright lemonade sign during the Henning Festival in July. Danielson operates a lemonade stand each summer and donates the money he raises to one of a number of different causes in the area. This year he chose to donate the money to the Henning Salvation Army.
25 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Aug. 20, 1997
Chrissy Turchin, of rural Vining, poses with two girls who were her host sisters during her recent mission trip to Hyderabad, India. They are wearing traditional Indian dresses called sprees. The small mark on her forehead is a bendi, which once was considered a mark of status in India.
Korey Montplaisir, of Henning, wore the official shirt in which he will entertain in the 4-H Arts-In-Arts in the Park program at the Minnesota State Fair, Aug. 21 to Sept. 1. He’s the third member of this family to participate in the program.
Wesley Heinecke came to Watermelon Day in Vining Saturday expecting to supervise the cutting of Watermelon. He did that—just like he’d been doing for the past five or six years, but he also did something else that he didn’t expect to do. He got crowned as this year’s Watermelon Day King. And his wife Ann got crowned as Watermelon Day Queen. As he was crowned, Wesley announced, “we had a great day. We only lost one finger.” The announcement was exaggerated, but he did have a basis in what he termed as an industrial accident. Wesley explained that earlier that day, a member of his crew, Art Roman, cut his finger while cutting watermelon.
50 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Aug. 17, 1972
The Henning Public Schools will open Monday, Aug. 28 with a full day session. Approximately 600 students are expected—320 in the high school and 280 in elementary. The 32 third graders and 26 second graders will attend in the Vining building. Classes in Henning High School will start at 8:35 a.m. and will dismiss at 3:40 p.m. Elementary classes will start at 8:45 in Vining. Bus schedules will be in next week’s edition of the Henning Advocate. Rural families are asked to check these schedules. Please call the superintendent’s office if there are any names omitted.
Mr. A.M. Knudtsen just spent some time in Henning finishing up the business of selling his house and furniture. After living in the Henning area for over 50 years, he has now decided to move into a retirement home in St. Paul. It is called The Presbyterian home located at 3220 Lake Johanna Blvd. His good friends, Rev. And Mrs. Ed Nelson, former pastor of the Henning Baptist church are employed as the guardians of the home.
75 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Aug. 21, 1947
A weed burner on the Soo Line was the cause of a bad fire in Ottertail. 11 Carloads of REA Poles had been unloaded and started on fire. The Ottertail Fire Department carrying cream cans helped save the depot which was 75 feet away.
100 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Aug. 17, 1922
Strayed away-Cow and suckling. Anyone knowing their whereabouts please leave information at Pikal Bros. Meat Market.
Mayme Christenson who had been studying art in Chicago has returned to her home here.
The first $175 takes Ford Roadster. Mechanically perfect. See Jack Kane.