It happened in…
News | Published on January 18, 2022 at 3:04pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
05 years ago
Citizen’s Advocate
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017
Sewing machines and irons were working overtime in Henning last week. Pieces of fabric were neatly piled at a variety of work stations, and the aroma of freshly baked treats filled the air of the Landmark Center. For the second time, the Quiltlander quilting club met at the Landmark Center for an extended retreat. The group of 13 women brought together members of the Henning Stitchers, Water’s Edge Church quilting group and several other quilting groups for a three day quilting retreat in town.
Kurt Weber has performed for weddings, choirs and countless events in the church over the years. However, there is one thing that Weber said he has never done—held a solo piano concert. After spending the past three years composing piano music as a hobby, Weber began looking for ways to share some of his favorite pieces with the general public.
25 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Jan. 15, 1997
The area was recovering early this week from the second blizzard in less than a week and the seventh snow emergency of the not-quite-two-month-old winter. Some have wondered aloud if the Thursday-Friday, Jan. 9-10 weather emergency was really a new blizzard or a continuation, after another intermission, of a long blizzard that’s lasted pret-ty much all winter so far.
In a short, but sincere and emotional segment of the Jan. 7 Henning City Council meeting, the city maintenance crew was commended for exceptional snow removal efforts. “Thank you so much,” said Mayor Richard O. Johnson, to Don Hagen and Jerry Fiskum. “You guys do a heck of a job,” added councilman Jim Hermanson. Other council members indicated similar sentiments.
55 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Jan. 12, 1967
The first and a rather big snowstorm of the new 1967 year struck Henning and most of Minnesota starting January 6 and continuing on a more or less limited scale through January 9.
Fire razed a barn and destroyed three head of cattle on a Middle Leaf Lake farm place Sunday evening. The building was on property owned by Jesse Jordan, pastor of the House of Prayer church in the village of Ottertail.
Mary Ann Hicken, rural Henning, second-place award winner in the statewide speaking contest, recently attended the Minnesota annual meeting of soil and water conservation districts.
75 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Jan. 19, 1947
Mrs. Ernest Deckert was the guest of honor at a post-nuptial shower on Monday. 45 people were present.
Keith Foster and Melvin Cordes went to Mankato last Wednesday where the latter was awarded first prize in the ninth annual corn growing contest.
John Schmidt, who took over as local blacksmith during Henry Holmgren’s absence, was injured quite badly last Friday and has returned to his home in Park Rapids. Mr. Schmidt tripped over a spear handle that fell in his path and fell across a revolving emery wheel. Besides being bruised, Schmidt had a couple of broken ribs.
100 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Jan. 18, 1922
A total of 1,067 wolves have been killed in Minnesota this winter to date. Otter Tail County is one of the high ones in numbers killed, 110 being the count. Itasca comes first with 150, and Aitken second with 117.
The Passion Flower with the most beloved actress on the screen today, Norma Talmadge, will be at the Rex Saturday night.