Residents encouraged to watch parade through town

Photo by Chad Koenen
Henning School’s costume parade will take to the streets on October 31. The parade will roll through downtown around 1:45 p.m. Last year’s parade was moved indoors due to inclement weather.

By Chad Koenen


Do you want to see a professional athlete, super hero or a larger-than-life taco strolling the streets of downtown Henning? If so, Henning Elementary School has just the ticket.

On Thursday, Oct. 31, students at Henning Elementary School will be participating in the annual Halloween Parade through town. Students in grades K-5 will get dressed up in their Halloween costumes and parade through town. The parade will begin at the school at approximately 1:45 p.m. and go down 2nd St., before turning on Douglas Ave. at the Country Corner Cafe. The students will then turn at Gateway Pub and walk down Front St. back to School Ave.

The parade began during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to allow students to celebrate Halloween in the school, without necessarily having large class parties. Individuals and businesses can hand out candy to each class as part of the Halloween parade. Those interested in handing out candy are asked to hand each classroom teacher a presorted bag of candy to each teacher and not necessarily each student to help keep the parade rolling through town.

In the event of inclement weather, the parade will be held in the high school gym at approximately 1:45 p.m.