We are one nation, under God. In this mixed-up, messed up world evil is running rampant and God is being mocked more than ever.

Kamala and Timmy are anti-anything moral (just like their predecessors). They are emphasizing these of freedom and joy. What a pair!

Where’s the joy in brutally killing pre-born babies and where’s the joy in mutilating young people with sex changes?

People want the killing of babies enshrined in their state constitutions! Satan be gone!

Climate change/climate breakdown is happening for a reason. There will be more and worse disasters unless there is a spiritual renewal. God will not be mocked much longer.

The radical leftists want America to be part of a one-world government (New World Order) with the United Nations WHO (World Health Organization) in charge of controlling us. Their goal is global domination.

The book of Revelation speaks of a time when you won’t be able to buy or sell without “the mark of the beast.” Right now, 113 nations—including America—are either researching, developing, or have already launched a virtual, programmable government-run currency.

Karl Marx and the other socialist or communist oppressors figured if they can control money and possessions, they can control people.

The United States of America needs out of the WHO and the United Nations altogether. We need our 45th president to by our 47th president.

If you look close enough and really listen, you can see and hear Satan in Kamala Harris and Timmy Walz. Scary! Especially for the soul of America and souls of Americans. Kamala’s six freedoms would bring America to an end.

Vote as if your life depended on it because it does.

Elaine Byman,
