Donations to be partially matched during FoodShare Month

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The annual March FoodShare month food drive is underway at food shelves across the state. The Henning Food Shelf is once again participating in the program which partially matches donations made throughout the month.

The Henning Community Food Shelf is once again joining more than 340 food shelves statewide in participating in the 43rd annual Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign to raise funds and collect food donations to help neighbors with food insecurities.

Photo by Chad Koenen
The Henning Food Shelf will be participating in the March FoodShare month activities, in which donations made at the food shelf during the month will be partially matched through a grant. The additional donations will go a long ways to helping to fill the shelves at the local food shelf.

During the past year, food shelves all over the state have experienced a marked increase in usage of local food resources, putting a strain on limited budgets and resources. Minnesotans made 7,551,147 visits to food shelves in 2023, a record high for the third consecutive year, representing 1.8 million more visits than in 2022.

The Henning Food Shelf had a record-breaking 571 visits by local individuals and families in 2023, also setting monthly records of 68 households served during November and 53 in December. A total of 449 visits were recorded in 2022, with 46 households served each of those two months. Based on their household size, clients can visit the Henning Food Shelf once a month for food and personal care items.

Since its beginning, Minnesota FoodShare has distributed over $18 million to March Campaign participating food shelves. Participants receive matching funds for donations collected during the campaign, which runs from February 26 through April 6, based on a formula that includes the total dollars raised by the local food shelf, the number of pounds of food donated during the campaign and the number of clients served.

While food donations are always appreciated by the Henning Food Shelf, financial support is preferred as dollars donated can not only be matched this month, but can also go farther with access to reduced-cost offerings from North Country Food Bank and other sources, according to Karen Stueve, Henning Food Shelf director. If donating food items, please consider expiration dates. Also, open packages are not accepted and cannot be used, and any clothing donated is given to the Henning Salvation Army Thrift Store.

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) weekly income guidelines of the USDA are listed below for those eligible to use local food shelves. Those who don’t fit these income guidelines may also qualify if they participate in any state or federal program or service such as SNAP, WIC, energy assistance, Head Start, etc. No one with a need is turned away other than to refer them to a food shelf nearer to their residence after providing them with food.

TEFAP Income Eligibility

Family Size Annual Income

One Up to $43,740

Two $43,741-$59,160

Three $59,161-$74,580

Four $74,581-$90,000

Five $90,001-$105,420

Six $105,421-$120,840

Seven $120,841-$136,260

Eight $136,261-$151,680

Add $5,140/addl. family member

Henning’s food shelf program is always seeking to reach more of those in need. If anyone knows of a person who could be using these resources, please contact the Henning Food Shelf. We serve the residents of the Henning School District and non-residents whose children are enrolled in school here or whose job is in Henning and they are unable to shop at the food shelf where they live.

The Henning Food Shelf, located at 604 2nd Street in the old city hall building, is open on Mondays from 3:30-5 p.m. and other times by appointment by calling Karen Stueve at 583-2136. Financial contributions can be mailed anytime to P.O. Box 176, Henning, MN.