It happened in…
News | Published on February 4, 2025 at 12:39pm EST | Author: henningmaster
05 years ago
Monday, Feb. 4, 2020
Citizen’s Advocate
In a town of less than 80 people, word travels fast when news concerning a member of the community hits the streets. But when news concerning broasted chicken, and the 50-year-old Vining Palace, word spreads like wildfire. On Dec. 31, Lynda Rubink was serving what could have been her final piece of chicken when she decided to drop her food license application renewal in the mail and keep serving chicken, even if for just a few more weeks.
Former mayor and community leader Dave Holmgren passed last Thursday at the age of 87. His funeral will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 2 p.m. at Water’s Edge Church in Henning.
A resident of southeastern Otter Tail County was injured and lost his detached garage to fire, following a grease fire while cooking.
The fire was called in at 11:58 a.m. on Jan. 25 near Highway 40, north of Parkers Prairie and southeast of Henning. The exact location was east of the intersection of Highways 40 and 29. The resident suffered burns to his arms and legs and was treated at a nearby hospital.
25 years ago
Thursday, Feb. 5, 2000
The Henning Advocate
Developing career skills—School to Work provides Henning students the chance gain experience in a chosen career during the school day. Three students work at TNT Repair, where they work on various projects under the guidance of Jim and Eric Haberer.
Luke Dilly, 21, formerly of Henning, was hospitalized January 29 after a mugging in Baxter, Minnesota. At 10:30 p.m., Dilly was driving to the Baxter Target store after visiting a local grocery store. As he was driving, a vehicle behind Dilly began flashing its headlights. Dilly pulled over along the wooded street, believing the car to be friends he had planned to meet earlier in the evening.
As he exited his vehicle, he realized he did not know the passengers and began to return to his car. At this point, one of the three white males in the vehicle jumped out and began to beat Dilly. Dilly was able to free himself from the assailant, but the other two occupants of the vehicle came at Dilly and cut him 15 times with a utility knife.
Before headlights from a passing car frightened off the assailants, they stole Dilly’s wallet which contained money and credit cards. Dilly drove himself away from the scene and was treated at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Brainerd where he received 27 stitches. Luke is the son of Jim and Cindy Dilly. He currently attends Central Lakes College in Brainerd.
50 years ago
Thursday, Feb. 6, 1975
The Henning Advocate
Kim Peterson, Henning Harvest Festival Queen will be a featured guest of the 1975 St. Paul Winter Carnival. She will be joined by more than 50 regional visiting queens in four days of fun. They will tour the new American National Bank building in downtown St. Paul. Afterwards, the queens will tour 3M Centers and then shop at Maplewood Mall. After dinner they will enjoy the Chimera Theatre performance of “Odd Couple.”
Joan Grasswick has been named Henning High School’s 1974-75 Betty Crocker Family Leader of Tomorrow. She competed with other seniors in the written knowledge and attitude examination on Dec. 3rd. Miss Grasswick is now eligible for state and national honors and will receive a specially designed award from General Mills, Inc., sponsor of the annual educational scholarship programs.
Campbell’s Soup labels collected by the elementary students at the Henning Public School this fall enabled them to buy a filmstrip viewer for the audiovisual department. They bought the machine for 2,375 labels, in addition with the label they were able to obtain 24 cassettes.
Announcement was made this wee of the exchange in ownership of the Junction Cafe and Standard Station near Henning. Mr. & Mrs. Al Krause, former owners of the business located east of Henning at the intersection of Hwys. 210 and 29, have sold it to Mr. & Mrs. Larry Weinhandl of Fergus Falls, who took over Jan. 6.
75 years ago
Thursday, Feb. 2, 1950
The Henning Advocate
A tragic accident occurred at the junction five and a half miles east of Henning on Friday afternoon which took the life of Mrs. Delbert G. Clark, 65, of Ashland, Wis. Mrs. Clark died Saturday afternoon, suffering a fractured skull. This Wednesday morning Mr. Clark still remained in critical condition at the hospital in Wadena with concussion, and a badly fractured right elbow and thigh. The Clarks were driving west on Highway 3 and failed to see the stop sign at the junction or the large tandem truck coming from the north on Highway 29. The crashed into the middle of the truck and both were thrown out as they spun around on the highway. The car stayed on the road and did not tip. The truck driver, Harley Zanke, of Marietta evidently tried to avoid the collision and went in the ditch on the right side of the road and tipped over. He was uninjured. The truck was loaded with baled shavings. A local physician and ambulance were summoned at once and Mr. and Mrs. Clark were taken to the hospital. Impaired vision of the car windshield was probably the cause of the accident.
100 years ago
Thursday, Feb. 1, 1925
The Henning Advocate
For the first time in years a Henning basketball team has beat the Battle Lakers. Last Friday night the Henning boys started out to settle old scores and did so well that at the end of three minutes the Battle Lakers took time out in order to collect their senses and to plan a method of overcoming Henning’s 6 to 0 lead. The Henning fans returned home hoarse but happy with the score of 24 to 13 in Henning’s favor. Henning offensive was unbeatable and that the famed Ukkelberg, pivot of the Battle Lake team for many years had at last met his Waterloo.