It happened in…
News | Published on December 23, 2024 at 3:15pm EST | Author: henningmaster
05 years ago
Citizen’s Advocate
Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2019
Santa’s workshop may be in the North Pole, but for at least a few hours last week, the Henning Community Center was transformed into a toy factory that brought out even the biggest children. The toys were crafted, the stockings filled, and even a few Christmas jingles were being hummed in the background. A local toy drive was organized by Henning Police Officer Tyler Schwartz who collected items for the Ronald McDonald House and Sanford Hospital in Fargo, N.D.
As the old saying goes, there is nothing to fear, but fear itself—well unless it comes to elementary students trying new foods. Henning School Food Supervisor Holly Bohn is hoping to take some of the fear out of new foods with a new Fear Factor Friday. The goal of the monthly food challenge is to introduce children to new foods that they may otherwise not try on their own.
On Sept. 26, 2019, President Donald Trump issued an executive order requiring local governments such as Otter Tail County to provide written consent to the federal government before refugees can be resettled in jurisdictions such as counties. Otter Tail County commissioners, on Dec. 17, voted in favor of an official consent. Official documents will be submitted to the U.S. Department of State.
30 years ago
Thursday, Dec. 28, 1994
The Henning Advocate
Henning is scheduled to start the New Year with a new drug store and a new pharmacist. They are Seip Drug and Rob Hansen. They are slated to replace Bursch Drug and Vernon Bursch, who is retiring after 44 years as a Henning pharmacist. Seip Drug of Henning will be located in the same location as Bursch Drug and is owned by Nate Seip of New York Mills.
Crossroads Antiques Etc. closed last week, due to the move of its proprietors, Ross and Carol Power, to Cheyenne, Wyoming. Carol has accepted a position as consultant with Curtis & Associates, Inc. The business will have a two- day auction Feb. 25 and 26.
Lance Wilke who’s been the baker at Henning Home Bakery since 1971 has closed the doors until further notice to get into the “front end” of bakery work…as a sales representative with the Dawn Bakery Service Center in St. Cloud. The Henning Bakery is for sale and Wilke states that there has been a number of indications of interest in the business.
55 years ago
Thursday, Dec. 28, 1969
The Henning Advocate
Mrs. Val Shaw motored to Minneapolis to get her daughter Georgia, who was just discharged from the Army Nurses Corp at Fort Ord, Calif. She is spending some time at home before leaving for Carmel, CA where she will be employed at the Carmel Community Hospital. She spent three years and two months in the service.
80 years ago
Thursday, Dec. 29, 1944
The Henning Advocate
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLaughlin, who reside three miles south of Henning, lost their home and entire belongings early Saturday by fire. It is thought the fire was caused by an overheated chimney. They happened to awaken and found the house was filled with smoke. They hurried the three children ages 2, 6 and 8 into a few clothes and they ran barefoot in the snow a quarter of a mile to Acie Helmbrecht’s home, where they found warm shelter.
When shaking a small throw rug, hold by the sides. If held by the ends, weight of the rug pulls threads apart.
Clean your brink hearth by first scrubbing with a stiff brush and hot soapy water. Rinse clean and wipe dry. Let stand a day and then coat with boiled linseed oil.
A steam bath will usually bring velvet back to its original texture.
Coffee grounds make a good sweeping compound for use in the basement.
105 years ago
Thursday, Dec. 28, 1919
The Henning Advocate
Kale Longwell is down from Conrad, Mont. visiting his parents during the holidays. He is vested with authority to buy 100 tons baled hay for the dried out cattlemen in his territory, if he can get it.
130 years ago
Thursday, Dec. 28, 1894
The Henning Advocate
The boys of the village have a new football and will no doubt soon become experts of the game, thus providing an increase in business for the doctor, druggist, coroner and undertaker.
The members of the Swedish Baptist Church had a Christmas tree in their church in Wednesday night. There was a large turnout and very pleasant time. Apples, nuts and popcorn were distributed to all.
Some ignorant people think that socialism and dynamite go together, and not wishing to disappoint even these, we give a formula for preparing the most dreadful explosive ever concocted, as follows: Take one exemption clause and heavy issue of bonds, one demagnetization, plenty of oil and sugar (well watered) and mix with a quantity of trust and special privileges. Stir in a traitorous secretary attorney general chopped fine and well injunctions. This formula is being carefully compounded in Wall street and when it explodes it is sure to blow up the competitive system to the fabled realms of hades.
The city council do not like the reference in the local columns to the way they have enforced the prohibition law. The editor believes they can stop much of the illegal sales of liquor if they so desire and that evidence is easily secured if they desire without showing any favoritism to friends.