Henning High school, post secondary scholarship winners
News | Published on June 18, 2024 at 2:54pm EDT | Author: henningmaster
0C.M. Anderson Family $1,00
Lyvia Misegades
Goepferd Family Scholarship $1,000
Kira Vergin
Kimber Scholarship $500
Lyvia Misegades
Cordes Scholarship $500
Dylan Juvrud
Frank Formanek Scholarship $500
Jevon Pedersen
James Reineke Scholarship $500
Alissa Winters
Saetre Scholarship $500
Dylan Juvrud
Jevon Pedersen
Alissa Winters
Saetre Scholarship $1,000 Post
Macie Cidy
Allyson Hart
Matthew Johnson
H-545 $1,000 Seniors
Lane Dilly
Alivia Gunderson
Emily Kohl
Ella Missling
H-545 $1,000 Post Secondary
Tanner Arndt
Aaliyah Olson
Emma Severson
Molly Cordes
Maggie Cronk
Stephanie Heidorn
Melvold Scholarship
$800 Post Secondary
Elizabeth Schmitz
Ara and Vernon Bursch
Scholarship $1,500
Lyvia Misegades
Ara and Vernon Bursch
Scholarship $1,000
Lane Dilly, Emily Kohl and Ella Missling
Viking Coca-Cola Scholarship
Alissa Winters $500
Amundson Scholarship $4,500
Emily Kohl
Amundson Scholarship $3,500
Faith Fisher, Becca Frederick, Ally Hart, Dealia Grabe, Alivia Gunderson, Lyvia Misegades and Aaliyah Olson
Amundson Scholarship $2,500
Lane Dilly
Amundson Scholarship $3,000
Ella Missling and Alissa Winters
Lake Region Electric $600
Jevon Pederson
Bud Johnson $500
Ally Hart and Lane Dilly
Bud Johnson $750
Lyvia Misegades
Mabel Espeland $750
Kira Vergin
Mabel Espeland $500
Alivia Gunderson and Alissa Winters