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Henning Elementary students blew past a recent reading challenge at the school. Students in grades K-2 were challenged to read a minimum of 50 books during the past month. Students in Mrs. Amundson’s kindergarten class read 624 books, Mrs. Emter’s kindergarten class read 609 books, Mrs. Greenwaldt’s first grade class read 665 books, Mrs. Haugdahl’s first grade class read 550 books and Mrs. Jorgenson’s second grade class read 2,091 books. Third and fourth graders were challenged to read 20 minutes a night. The students read a combined 24,800 minutes, or the equivalent of 17 days of reading 24 hours straight. On Thursday, the students were able to celebrate meeting their goal with randomly selected students having the opportunity to pie a teacher, school staff members or students in the face. Above: Blake Nelson sends a pie into the face of Henning School Principal Thomas Williams. Bottom right: Jayden Andrews pushes a pie into Ella Missling’s face. Bottom left: Kennedy Lutgens and several classmates laugh after she pied Stephanie Jorgenson in the face.