Event to be held on Feb. 3 on Otter Tail Lake

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The fifth annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Minnesota will be held on Saturday, Feb. 3 on Otter Tail Lake near Ottertail city.

The Otter Tail Lakes Country Association (OTLCA), the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office, and Special Olympics Minnesota are excited to host the fifth annual Polar Plunge on Feb. 3. Participants and organizers have been hard at work preparing and fundraising for the event on Otter Tail Lake with a goal to raise $75,000 for Special Olympics athletes.

The Polar Plunge is the biggest fundraiser for Special Olympics Minnesota. All funds raised by Plungers help Special Olympics Minnesota provide year-round training and services to thousands of athletes with intellectual disabilities across the state. For example, a $300 donation provides the necessary equipment for a young athlete’s entire season. The Otter Tail Lake Polar Plunge has raised over $333,900 in its 4-year history.

Otter Tail County Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons shared why he will take the plunge. 

“I am excited to be part of the Special Olympics Polar Plunge in Otter Tail County again. What a great way for the community to come together to support such a worthy cause. While the weather hasn’t necessarily cooperated, we have a plan in place and the plunge will take place,” he said.

This year’s Otter Tail Lake Polar Plunge will be dedicated in memory of Scott Backstrom. Scott Backstrom played a key role in making the Otter Tail Plunge a success, serving on the event planning committee since its inception in 2020. In just four years, Scott raised over $11,600 for Special Olympics Minnesota.

“We are very excited to be hosting the Special Olympics Polar Plunge. But this year comes with a heavy heart. Scott “BigGun” Backstrom, captain of our Purple Plungers team, passed away on November 1, 2023. We are hoping to honor him the best way we know how by plunging past our goal of $75,000,” said Marie Noplos of OTLCA.

As of Monday, Jan. 8, there are 144 plungers registered who have raised $18,626 in donations so far. Sheriff Fitzgibbons encourages participants to sign up, jump, donate, and/or volunteer. 

For more information and to register or donate visit www.plungemn.org/events/ottertail/