World War II veteran strived to be happy
News | Published on January 9, 2024 at 3:16pm EST | Author: henningmaster
0Andrews passed away on Dec. 22

World War II veterans Bud Andrews passed away on Dec. 22, 2023. The Pelican Rapids native lived to be 102 and was part of “the greatest generation.”
By Tom Hintgen
Otter Tail County County Correspondent
On Dec. 22, 2023, area residents said goodbye to Budd Andrews of Pelican Rapids who lived to be 102. Budd, who served as a bombardier with the Army Air Corps during World War II, was part of what many Americans refer to as “the greatest generation.”
During his working years Budd was the agricultural instructor in Pelican Rapids.
Budd, as pointed out during the memorial service, strived to be happy all of his life. This philosophy was shared in the memorial pamphlet with words from author Max Ehrmann who wrote “Desiderata.”
“Desiderata” helps people achieve peace and joy and encourages us to learn to “be gentle with yourself and be cheerful, no matter what life throws your way.”
Over the years Budd, with a smile on his face, enjoyed a long list of hobbies that won him the admiration of relatives and friends.
Among his hobbies were renovations of a 1920s house car (camper), creating marionettes (puppets), maple syrup collection and preparation, making and sharing his great-tasting sumac juice, carving wooden frogs, collecting agates, leading nature hikes and collecting edible plants.
Budd had a gentle spirit and, as noted during his memorial service, he had a spiritual connection to the outdoors. “During those times his church was the woods,” said Pastor Ed Anderson.
I first became acquainted with Budd in the 1970s when he and his wife, Marguerite, were active volunteers with the Otter Tail County Historical Society. At that time my wife Sharon was executive director of the historical society.
On Labor Day weekend 1990, Budd graciously allowed our 9-year-old son Paul the opportunity to ride in his house car during one of the parades near Rollag, site of the annual steam threshers reunion. The house car later was moved to the Dalton steam thresher grounds.
One year Budd, at my request, entertained our son Paul and fellow Cub Scouts after school at his house in Pelican Rapids.
The kids were intrigued with Budd’s marionette puppets, his wooden frogs, agates and, best of all, Budd’s warm personality. They also appreciated cookies and milk provided by Marguerite.
Budd, throughout his life, was known as a humble man. He authored a book, “Budd’s War, No Hero, Just Doing My Job.”