The Henning Community Education will be hosting the following classes in January.

Basic Musical Theater Jazz Dance Class for Adults- We will cover the basic dance terminology with a basic warm-up, movement across the room, and a short dance combination each week. Come have fun, learn the basics, and move in a judgment-free class. The class is scheduled for Mondays January 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 7-8 p.m. at the Henning Community Center. The class fee is $62 for all 4 sessions. Registration deadline is January 2. Contact the Henning Public School District Office at 583-2927, option 1.  

Dog Obedience Class- Join instructors Shannon and Dan Riggle for this Dog Obedience class for puppies and dogs or handlers that are new to obedience training. Dogs from 3 months and older may participate. We will work on basic healing, sit, stay, down commands on leash and socializing with other dogs and trainers. You will need to bring a 6 ft. leather or nylon leash and flat buckle or training (choker style) collar. (If you have a large dog you will need a leather leash) Dogs must be leash trained. Some basic agility and rally exercises will be explored as well. All dogs attending obedience class are required to be current on Rabies, DHLPP, and Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccinations. Verification of these vaccinations at the first class is required. The class is scheduled to meet on Thursdays January 11, 18, 25 and February 1 and 8 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Henning Community Center. Class fee is $50. Registration deadline is January 4. Contact the Henning Public School at 283-2927, ext. 8000 to register.