Drake Kotarski, age 10, got his first ever deer on Friday afternoon of the youth deer hunt.
Benjamin shot this 3 point buck the last night of youth hunting near Wadena.Elijah Geiser shot this 10 point buck during youth hunt this weekend.Gus Tumberg, age 11, shot his first deer on October 20. The deer weighed 202 lbs.Hadley Johnson, age 10, harvested her first deer during the youth deer hunt weekend.Kylie Weller, age 10, shot this 5 point buck during the youth deer hunt. This is the first time she has went hunting.Logan Vomhof shot this doe with his bow during the youth deer hunt weekend. This is the first deer he has shot with his bow.Maggy Weller, age 13, shot a doe during youth hunt weekend.Reese Davis shot this doe during the youth deer hunt weekend.