Henning School Library receives over 200 books
News | Published on March 14, 2023 at 1:44pm EDT | Author: henningmaster
0Lisa Libraries makes donation to school library

Henning Elementary students display some of the books they recently received from the Lisa Libraries. The donation is part of an ongoing project at the school to update the books at the school and community library.
When children’s book editor Lisa Novak passed away, author Ann M. Martin and friends formed The Lisa Libraries. More than 500,000 books have been distributed to all 50 states since 1990 when Lisa Libraries was founded. Many of these books have been sent to libraries at daycare centers, after-school programs, and even prisons with visiting areas for children of parents who are incarcerated.
Since Henning is in a low-income, underserved area with a small library that has books averaged at 32-years-old, has a Targeted Service after school program and a six week summer reading program in our library, the library qualified to receive books.
The Henning School Library received 214 brand new books worth a value of $3,778. Lisa Libraries asks that the recipients of the books cover the cost of shipping. Pam Wiese and Laura Smith, along with MaryLynn Borchardt, Darren Wiese, Stacy Larson, Jennifer Haugdahl, Rachel Borchardt, Kelly Ellenson, Ellin Smith and EmmaLee Smith worked concession stands at the basketball games to pay for the shipping of the books.
Individuals wishing to donate to Lisa Libraries to help communities across the country can make a tax deductible monetary donation with a check to The Lisa Novak Community Libraries or by using PayPal on their website https://lisalibraries.org.
The organization also accept new children’s books. However, they cannot accept used, damaged, or adult books. The generosity of this program is what is making it so that the Henning School Library can get new books with relevant material into the hands of students.
The Pages for a Purpose library campaign mission is to get up to date, informative, eye appealing, content relative books into the hands of local students.