Local newspapers remain an important part of OTC
News | Published on February 21, 2023 at 12:14pm EST | Author: henningmaster
0Seven weekly, bi-weekly newspapers are located in OTC

Newspapers in Otter Tail County bring ideas and current events to life.
By Tom Hintgen
Otter Tail County Correspondent
Most county residents no doubt are aware that many newspapers across the nation face several challenges. Some counties across the USA, after newspaper closings, have no local newspapers.
Here in Otter Tail County we are fortunate to have the Fergus Falls Daily Journal and six county weekly newspapers. The weeklies are based in Pelican Rapids, Perham, New York Mills, Henning, Battle Lake and Parkers Prairie.
County residents should take pride in knowing that Chad Koenen, publisher for the newspapers in Henning and New York Mills, was reelected Jan. 27 as president of the Minnesota Newspaper Association (MNA).
The newspapers in Otter Tail County received several newspaper contest awards at the late January MNA convention in the Twin Cities.
“We’re an organization that represents newspapers of all sizes and backgrounds,” Koenen said. “I’m both humbled and honored to be reelected as MNA president.”
Minnesota newspapers reach close to four million consumers across print or digital platforms.
“A person who reads a newspaper obtains information about many different subjects,” Koenen says, “including school boards, city councils, hobbies, sports, church news and contributions to communities from neighbors and friends.”
Newspaper reading, by people of all ages, improves reading skills and also promotes critical thinking. It’s also where final tributes are printed in obituaries for people who have left this world.
“Our newspapers bring ideas and current events to life,” adds Koenen. “We as newspaper reporters also promote social consciousness. Readers become deeply aware of the people around them in their communities.”