Henning EDA prepares for a busy 2023
News | Published on February 21, 2023 at 12:22pm EST | Author: henningmaster
0EDA discusses monthly rent at Countryview

Members of the Henning EDA discussed a need to continue looking at the rent being charged at the city-owned Countryview Apartment building in town.
By Chad Koenen
The Henning Economic Development Authority is gearing up for a busy two years in the community.
During its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday morning, the Henning EDA discussed its 2023 budget, as well as several upcoming projects on the horizon. One of those projects is the 2024 Highway 108 project that will go through downtown Henning.
Henning Mayor Robert Johnson updated the EDA on several items being discussed by the downtown beautification committee. No plans have been finalized in terms of what will be added to the community as part of the downtown revitalization project at this time as he said committee members are attempting to weigh potential longterm maintenance costs for things like a wooden boardwalk feature.
In addition to the upcoming projects, the Henning EDA took a brief look at the monthly rent at the city-owned Countryview Apartment building.
As the city continues to do its part to attract developers to construct new town homes and apartment buildings in Henning, Johnson said it is important that the Henning EDA keeps its rent competitive with open market rent and not leave it too low so private developers won’t come to town.
The Henning EDA said it will look at its rent and weigh potential increases, if needed, at a future meeting.