Boyer retires after 25 years of service on planning commission
News | Published on February 21, 2023 at 12:01pm EST | Author: henningmaster
0OTC Planning Commission is made up of seven members

Rod Boyer was recognized for his 25 years of service on the Otter Tail County Planning Commission.
Rod Boyer began his service with the Otter Tail County Planning Commission on November 12, 1997. After 25 years of service, Boyer is leaving the board. Boyer’s service was recently recognized by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners.
“We appreciate your 25 years of dedicated public service on the Otter Tail County Planning Commission and for your many efforts benefiting the residents of our County and State. Thank you,” said Otter Tail CountyCommissioner Wayne Johnson.
Boyer is proud to have visited every site that was brought before the Planning Commission.
“I have enjoyed serving on the Planning Commission and thank the commissioners for appointing me over the years. I am happy to have done something for my community,” he said.
Land and Resource Management Director Chris LeClair shared his appreciation for Boyer.
“Rod was so knowledgeable and the information that he bought was invaluable. Thank you for your 25 years of dedicated service,” said LeClair.
Otter Tail County Planning Commission
The Planning Commission consists of seven members of which are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners. The purpose of the Planning Commission is to review applications and make recommendations to the County Board of Commissioners for final action.
The planning commission considers projects located in the shoreland areas for conditional use permits and preliminary plats. Visit for more information.