Landmark to seek conditions assessment plan
News | Published on February 14, 2023 at 3:06pm EST | Author: henningmaster
The Landmark Center in Henning has received permission to seek a conditions assessment plant to plan for future maintenance projects and needs at the facility.
By Chad Koenen
The Landmark Center is hoping a new grant will provide a glimpse at the future needs of the downtown Henning facility.
During its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday night, the Henning City Council approved a motion to allow the Landmark Center to seek a $10,000 grant to fund a conditions assessment plan.
Executive Director Dan Broten said the plan will detail future building and maintenance projects at the facility.
In other news
• Approved a new city ordinance that will allow up to three off-sale liquor licenses in the city. The city council already approved issuing an off-sale liquor license to the new convenience store that could be constructed later this year, as well as at Gateway Pub.
• Discussed a proposal from Precision Landscaping to remove snow from Willow Creek, as well as balcony’s as needed in the winter. Willow Creek Director Lisa Augustus said whoever comes into an apartment of a resident to remove snow from a deck would need a background check.
• Discussed a request from Corrie Dornbusch about the whistle from trains near an apartment building at 400 Inman St. She asked if there was a way to institute a quiet zone or speak to the railroad company about trains from whistles near the intersection.
• Heard from Beth Rose about removing the no parking signs at 703 and St. during the summer months, as well as a need for a second full-time police officer in the community.
• Discussed street lighting in the downtown Henning area. Bob Schliemann, of Apex Engineering, said it would cost the city approximately $300,000 to refurbish and reinstall the current decorative lights and $380,000 to replace the decorative lights and salvage the non-decorative lights. The council tabled the proposal as the city has recently applied for a street lighting grant and will attempt to hold off on making a decision until it finds out the status of the lighting grant.
• Heard from Utility Supervisor Ted Strand that the city is currently investigating whether the city’s utilities are buried at the proper depth underneath Douglas Ave. If it is determined that the city’s utilities cross main street at an inadequate depth it would be the city’s responsibility to potentially tear up the road and bury the utilities at the proper depth prior to the 2024 Highway 108 project.