Fisher, Misegades crowned as Henning Snow Week royalty
News | Published on February 7, 2023 at 1:43pm EST | Author: henningmaster
Photo by Chad Koenen
Faith Fisher, who is the daughter of BJ and Shari Fisher was crowned as Snow Week queen and Tyson Misegades, who is the son of Randy and Becky Misegades was crowned as Snow Week king on Monday afternoon at Henning School. The Snow Week coronation kicked off a busy week of festivities at the school, which will include everything from a dodgeball tournament, activity day outside of school and a pepfest on Friday night. Members of the royal court include: Lucy Torgerson, Becca Frederick, Ally Hart, Ava Eckhoff, Faith Fisher, Tyson Misegades, Ben Oseien, Colton Reinbold, Mitchell Cichy and Noah Hoelscher