Henning CHAT to sell Christmas tree ornaments
News | Published on November 15, 2022 at 4:15pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
Henning HOPE is kicking off their annual Stocking Stuffers Project for families in the Henning School District. Applications have been received. Stockings will be filled with shoes, socks, underwear and toy items the youth have requested. Paper stockings with requested items can be found around Henning at various locations with drop boxes to place items you are donating. More information about the stocking stuffers can be found in next week’s issue of the Citizen’s Advocate.
Santa Day is coming soon.
The Henning Landmark Center will once again be hosting a Christmas Tree in their courtyard.
Henning CHAT is once again selling ornaments to help decorate the tree. Ornaments may be purchased from any Henning CHAT member-Nikki Olson, Nikki Lohse, Annette Wigert, Donna Smith, Dan Broten, Diane Thorson or at the Henning and Otter Tail branches of First National Bank. Small ornaments will cost $20, large ornaments will cost $50. Extra large ornaments will be sold for $75.
The ornaments will be placed on the tree the afternoon of Santa Days. A live facebook feed will note the donors of the ornaments. Each ornament will have a tag identifying the donation.
Perhaps it is in memory of your loved one or to honor someone special in your life. Or perhaps you wish to purchase an ornament to acknowledge your business, employees, church, or organization. The proceeds from the donations will be used by Henning CHAT and the Landmark Center to sponsor the annual bike rodeo held each May.
Help us to decorate the tree. Ornaments may be left on the tree after Santa Day or you may take it home to decorate your own tree.
Thanks everyone from Henning CHAT (Community Health Action Team).