Henning, Ottertail to host trunk or treats
News | Published on October 26, 2022 at 3:07pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0Family friendly events set for Monday

The fifth annual St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Trunk or Treat will be held on Monday from 5-6:30 p.m.
By Chad Koenen
Trunks will be filled to the brim with candy, and there might be a few tricks up each vehicle’s hatch, during three trunk or treat events in the area.
On Monday, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will be hosting its fifth annual trunk or treat at the church. The event will be held from 5-6:30 p.m. at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church parking lot and fellowship hall.
In addition to the candy and decorated trunks, a hot dog and sloppy joe dinner will be served in the fellowship hall of the church. Proceeds from the trunk or treat will benefit Henning HOPE and the Henning Food Shelf.
A second trunk or treat will be held at the City of Henning office parking lot. The trunk or treat at the city office parking lot will take place from 4-7 p.m.
The Ottertail Community Center will also feature dozens of trunks for the community’s trunk or treat event. The Ottertail trunk or treats will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Monday
As part of the event, the Ottertail Lions Club will be giving away $50 cash prizes for 10 trunks. The trunks will be voted on by trick or treaters stopping by the community center. In addition to candy, pumpkin decorating will be held in the community center and the first 100 trick or treaters who attend the Ottertail event will take home a free cookie decorating kit.
Individuals or groups who would like to enter a trunk in the trunk or treat in Ottertail are asked to contact Kathy Grobeck at (402) 689-7694.