LIC quilt auction set for Saturday
News | Published on August 2, 2022 at 11:00am EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0Event returns to in person after two years online
By Stella Strong

All across the country, kids are on summer break. Whether the summer is spent working or relaxing, chances are the words “summer camp” have come up in conversations.
Whether that be from a sibling, a neighbor, or an adult reminiscing on days spent in hot, stuffy cabins where they’d have the most fun they’d have all summer. Summer camp seems to be the stuff of legends, that, unlike DVD’s and stick shift cars, have stood the test of time and don’t appear to be dying out anytime soon.
But camp can be pricey. With room and board, transportation, and meals to think about, especially for multiple kids, camp can quickly start to add up.
Luckily, camps like the Lutheran Island Camp (LIC) recognize this. To combat that problem, the LIC is set to make its 31st annual LIC Quilt Auction appearance on Saturday, Aug. 6.
“The proceeds from the auction go to support our summer youth camp programs,” said executive director Stacy Lung. “These funds allow us to keep our cost to send a child to camp more reasonable.”
After two years online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year will be the first year back in person. Viewing will begin at 8:30 a.m. before the live auction starts at 10:30 a.m. Food will be available for purchase throughout the day.
Even though quilting has been around for centuries, there’s still a variety of ages at this event. Unlike the older and middle age group, the online version actually attracted the younger generation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It’s a good mix,” said volunteer and fellow quilter Nancy Olsen.
This year LIC will have almost 200 standard sized quilts, forty baby/lap quilts, and sixty silent auction items. Quilts are donated from churches all over Minnesota as well as from some individuals in and even out of state.
“The quilt auction is the largest fundraiser for the Lutheran Island Camp,” Stacy said. “But more than that, it is a tradition and (an) opportunity for fellowship with friends and supporters.”
Be sure to visit their website at on Aug. 6 for the online auction or in person at LIC in rural Henning for even better viewing options.