It happened in…
News | Published on July 27, 2022 at 12:08pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
05 years ago
Citizen’s Advocate
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
The Henning School District could soon be adding not just one, but two extracurricular activities for students. During its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday night, the Henning School Board approved seeking a co-op with Perham for boys and girls swimming. The co-op came after the district received a request from a Henning School student who was interested in competing for the girls swim team. Henning School Superintendent Jeremy Olson said before the co-op can come to fruition the other districts that are part of the swimming teams will need to agree to the change.
Pickleball is officially coming to Ottertail. During its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday night, the Ottertail City Council approved up to $500 to purchase a pickleball net to be placed in the Community Park. The request for the net came from Karen Hendrickson who said she has gotten hooked on the sport.
The annual fly-in breakfast was held on Saturday morning at the Henning airport. In addition to a pancake breakfast and door prizes, the event gave children and adults of all ages an opportunity to get an up-close look at a variety of airplanes and helicopters.
25 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, July 23, 1997
Andrew Hagen of the Henning Leaf Lakers 4-H Club won the Senior Creative Arts Championship at the East Otter Tail County Fair last week. Here, he poses with his trophy and his winning entry.
Osnabrucker Sportsclub teenage girls’ basketball team, from Osnabruck, Germany, has been staying at the Lutheran Island Camp while on a basketball tour of Minnesota and North Dakota.
Craig and Dawn Cordes of rural Henning have been named East Otter Tail County Agassiz Leaders for 1997-98. The honor is given each year to a couple who is involved in agriculture and shows leadership in their community.
50 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, July 28, 1972
Darlene Cichy was crowned Henning Harvest Festival queen Wednesday evening at coronation ceremonies by the 1971 queen, Barbara Sandahl. She was presented a dozen long-stemmed red roses and a trophy. Darlene is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cichy.
During the rain deluge Friday night a car driven by Bill Helmbrecht ran into the rear end of a stalled car owned by a Clara City man working on road construction here. The accident happened about 9:30 p.m. about mid-way between Henning and Vining. The Clara City man’s car caught fire and burned as both cars were catapulted into the ditch and were “totaled out.” Helmbrecht’s nose was split open and he had to have stitches taken.
Correction—The Advocate had an ad in recently advertising the Triangle Inn for sale. This was an error.
75 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, July 24, 1947
Several real estate deals were closed recently when Oscar Hedberg bought the Hans Berg building on Front street and plans to remodel it for a restaurant. The place is the present home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Holmgren. Paul Gaedke has purchased the Mrs. Oliver Haugen residence formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Swan Harlin. He plans to do some repairing before moving to his new home.
A business change has been announced and will take place next month when the Dilly Department Store will be moved to the present Belmont Furniture Store and the latter store will take over the Dilly building.
100 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, July 27, 1922
“In American we are all in the hunt men and women. Our everlasting quest of excitement is wearing us out,” says Irving Bacheller the well-known writer. “We may find knowledge and excitement and even pleasure abroad, but not that abiding presence we call Happiness which, unless she be dead is always calling us back home. Everyone who goes about looking for happiness will look in vain. If he is capable of seeing her, he will find her waiting on his doorstep when he gets home. “What is happiness? Is it not in love of one’s task and of his associations? I am convinced that it is bron of those two loves, or not at all. “The greatest happiness lies in having found one’s work and in being strong to do it. Good health is therefore, a part of the thing we all happiness. The friends who respect and understand us and a loved task and a comfortable home fill the cup.”
125 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, July 29, 1897
Herbert Spencer, the English philosopher has mastered the science of method. He keeps five secretaries busy in order to bring his sociology up to date, though he himself can only work one hour a day when in his best physical condition. Much of the time he cannot work that one hour, but his secretaries, directed him, do their daily task.
In the recent engagements the Greeks used against the Turks rifles, which nearly 30 years ago were fired at Germans by the French, captured by the Germans, and by them sold to the Greeks. Many of these rifles have now been captured a second time. To whom will the Turks sell the out of date weapons? Their history makes them undesirable. The4y have a tendency to go off to the other side.
When Edward Bass, who became the first Episcopal bishop of Massachusetts took his master’s degree at Harvard, his thesis was: “Will the blessed in the future world, after the last judgment make use of articulate speech, and will that be Hebrew?” He decided both questions in the affirmative.