It happened in…
News | Published on June 30, 2022 at 12:35pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
05 years ago
Citizen’s Advocate
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
The streets of downtown Henning were lined with people young and old for the Henning All-School Reunion parade on Friday night. The parade featured the school marching band, Henning Festival royalty, as well as a number of class floats including the Class of 1963 and 1965. Throughout the weekend, alumni participated in a number of events including a film festival, teacher reunion, golf tournament, program and an ice cream social.
The Ottertail Business and Community Association held its second music in the park gathering last week featuring the band Chris Frost. The free activity will be held again on July 11 at the community park in Ottertail.
Grassroots on the Farm in rural Ottertail had a special guest who shared his knowledge of plants and vegetables two weeks ago. Paul Read, who is the professor of horticulture at the University of Nebraska and the chairman of horticulture at the University of Nebraska, was in Ottertail from June 12-16 to visit his long-time friend in Tom Meinhover.
25 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, June 25, 1997
Vining Lutheran Church’s 125th anniversary will be celebrated on Saturday, July 5 and Sunday, July 6 with a special events. Here, three members of the anniversary committee (long-time Church Secretary Lorraine Sorkness, Kay Thoreson and Janice Saetre) stand by the church sign, with the church building in the background. The sign lists Rev. Ron Nielsen as interim pastor, but the new permanent pastors, Mark and Connie Tiede, will assume their positions at the July 6 worship service.
Middle Leaf Lake access dock was dedicated Saturday by the Henning Rod and Gun Club to deceased member Marlyn Jensen. Jensen was a very active Rod and Gun Club member, working on events such as annual membership suppers, festival and demo derby concessions, fishing derbies, raffle sales and work at the rifle range. Also club secretary for several years, Jensen is especially remembered for his leadership youth firearms training. The club donated funds to the Department of Natural Resources to have the handicapped-accessible dock built and placed at the access.
Rick Bleichner stands in front of his new restaurant, Otter Treat, on Highway 78 in Ottertail. It’s open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Starting in July, he will also open a produce business on the site.
50 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, June 29, 1972
Again this year a full three days of festival activities have been planned for our annual Harvest Festival.
Mark Stone, Henning, showed the champion grade animal at Lake Region Dairy Day held at Wadena last week and won $200, to be used for the purchase of a purebred calf, or for a college scholarship fund. Mark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stone. He belongs to the Henning Haymakers.
Cole Grace is receiving a cashier’s check in the amount of $819.92 from Barry Markuson, new employee at the Farmers and Merchants State Bank. The amount represents money turned in up to this time by the sponsors of the young walkers in the recently held Walk for Development program held in New York Mills. Presenting the funds on behalf of the bank was Barry Markuson who began working in the local bank on Monday, June 12. He graduated at Moorhead State College this spring with a major in Business Administration and a minor in economics. He is the son of Mrs. Edna Markuson of Henning.
75 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, June 29, 1947
Rumors have been circulated to the effect that the Girard Ball Club is busted up and disorganized. Those are false and untrue as the boys are meeting up for Wednesday evening practices and Sunday games. The boys are taking just as much interest as ever, and we have many more players wanting to join the club.
100 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, June 29, 1922
About 24 of the friends of Mrs. Edwin Skjegstad tendered her a shower last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Mons Espeland.
One of the girls in the mountain Branch Breze office sketched a hen so artistically and perfectly that when she threw it in the waste basket it laid there.
125 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, July 1, 1897
Lincoln, Ill. June 19 – A tornado which passed over the central and southern portions of Logan County destroyed thousands of dollars worth of property and completely demolished the immense cow barn on the farm of the state institution for the feeble minded. A total of 26 people seeking refuge from the storm were buried in the debris.
The queen’s diamond jubilee celebration, which began Monday in London, is described by dispatches as rivaling the coronation of the czar. It must have been grand, indeed.
It cost the State of Minnesota $3.38 per insane per week to maintain the insane hospitals.
Pupils of Prof. Federick Starr, forming the Autopsy society of the University of Chicago, have entered into a contract to give their brains to science when they die. Each member will also write a history of his mental process from the beginning to as near the end of his life as possible, and give a statement of the virtues and vices which have influenced him. Students of anthropology have found much difficulty in obtaining the cerebral tissue of sound-minded persons.