Henning, DC to host Memorial Day programs
News | Published on May 25, 2022 at 1:06pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
The annual Memorial Day program will take place on Monday morning at the military park in Deer Creek. In the event of inclement weather the program will be moved to the Deer Creek Community Center. Another Memorial Day program will be held at Henning School.
By Chad Koenen
Memorial Day weekend isn’t just a time for people to fire up the grill and head to the lake for the first time—it is an opportunity to pay respect to individuals and their families who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending the country.
Two Memorial Day programs are being planned in the Henning and Deer Creek area on Monday morning.
The first program will be held in Henning at 9:30 a.m. The program will include a variety of guest speakers, songs and a closer look at some of the soldiers that have served in the military from the greater Henning area.
The second program will be held at the Deer Creek Veterans Memorial Park.
The day will begin with a breakfast including everything from French toast, pancakes, egg bake and more from 7:30-10 a.m. The breakfast will be followed by the annual Memorial Day program at the veteran’s memorial park beginning at 10:30 a.m. Seating at the park will be limited and individuals can bring their own lawn chairs for seating.
The program will include music by the Wadena-Deer Creek band, readings and Jim Olson (Otter Tail County Veterans Service Officer) as the featured speaker.
In the event of inclement weather, the Deer Creek Memorial Day program will be moved inside to the Deer Creek Community Center.