Henning students learn semi-truck safety tips
News | Published on May 11, 2022 at 2:26pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
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On Friday, April 29 Versatile Transport truck drivers spoke to Henning High School driver education students about blind spots on commercial vehicles. Students were able to sit in the driver’s seat of a semi and see where cars can be hidden along the large vehicle. This year Versatile also brought in a second semi to show how drivers use road reflectors to alert drivers about commercial vehicles that are pulled over on the side of the road. Students discussed the move over law and how to safely give space to vehicles pulled over on the side of the road. Among the driver’s ed students who attended a recent semi-truck safety demonstration were: Front row: Blind spot safety educators: Bill Brady, Mitch Lund and Phil Cronk. Back row: Colton Jacobs, Noah Umland, Eli Reinbold, Dawson Misegades, Aubrey Witt, Lola Hansen, Tayla Pedesen, Lila Thorson, Jack Reinbold, Mason Samuelson, AJ Jones, Faith Anderson, Kendra Juvrud, Haley Campbell and Mr. Oscarson.