DFL endorses Walker in Senate District 9 race
News | Published on May 11, 2022 at 12:46pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0Walker served in military for three years
Cornel Walker has announced the DFL’s endorsement of his candidacy for the 2022 elections in Minnesota Senate District 9. Senate district 9 includes Otter Tail, Grant, Wilkin, Traverse and the western portion of Douglas counties.
Walker is running a “Listening Campaign.” He’s been actively contacting voters who are willing to hire him as their senator. He seeks the opinion and counsel of all residents who expect results from their legislators.
“We are in agreement about what Minnesotans deserve, especially those in rural Senate District 9—a living wage and a fair tax system that funds our public safety services, our schools, and our roads, streets, and highways. These and other shared public services work for the benefit of the many and not the few,” said Walker. “We need to feel secure in our homes. We need to feel safe in town, on the farm, or traveling to and from. Our children, and our grandchildren have a right to expect a quality education that gives everyone the opportunity to reach their potential. We deserve access to well-staffed hospitals, clinics, assisted living, and long-term care facilities.”
Walker served in the military with three years of active duty as a Captain in the Army JAG Corps at Ft. Knox, Ken. and Ft. Hood, Texas where he began practicing law.
“My background as a trial lawyer and mediator for 40 plus years has equipped me with the skills to hear all sides to bring the parties together,” said Walker.
Walker is currently serving his third term on the Otter Tail County DFL Board. His past service as DFL chair of Senate District 8 brought a renewed appreciation for our 2-party system.
“I am grateful to those who have stepped up to run for public office from both parties,” he said. “As well as to those officials who have served as election judges.”