Meet the Henning Ambulance crew: Daniel Larsen
News | Published on April 19, 2022 at 2:50pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Tell us about your family: I’ve been married to Stacy for nearly 11 years now. She is originally from Wood Lake and was a teacher for 6 years, a nanny for 1, and a day care provider for 9. She is currently working on her Master’s in Early Childhood Education. Together we have 3 children: Timothy, age 9; Theodore, age 7; and Natalie, age 4.
What are some of your hobbies? I admit, I’m a bit of a nerd. I enjoy video games and creating things on computers. I also enjoy riding my bicycle, hiking through nature, and woodworking/carpentry.
Where do you work/what do you do? I’m the pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Henning. I share the Good News of Jesus Christ in worship on Sunday mornings, lead Bible studies, teach Christian doctrine to youth, and do my best to deliver Jesus to people who can’t/don’t worship regularly.
How long have you been on the ambulance service? I’ve only been with Henning Ambulance for about a month, but I served with the ambulance company in Wabasso, where I lived before coming here, for 3 years.
Why did you join the ambulance service? At my last pastoral call I was expected to supplement my income with another job, and even though it’s technically a volunteer position, there is still enough pay with the ambulance to check that box. When my income situation improved, though, I stayed with the ambulance because it was very rewarding work and a good way to help my community thrive.
What do you enjoy about being on the department? I’m new in town, and being part of the department has helped me learn about the community of Henning/Otter Tail County outside of my own congregation. In a way, I see my EMT work as an extension of my pastoral ministry, using my God-given resources to bring healing to people.
What has been the most rewarding part of being on the ambulance service? A lot of our calls are for matters that aren’t critical or life-threatening, which is fine, but every now and then we get a call where we are able to help somebody in a way where I can look back and say, “Wow, I really saved a life today.” To me, those are the best calls and the most rewarding part of being on the ambulance service.